
To my blog

Why hello, little blog.
Where have you been?
Hmm... I guess I've been absent for awhile.
Absent? More like rocketed out of the earth's atmosphere by a gigantic marshmallow shooter.

Well, let me explain. Here's a bit of what I've been up since we last dialogued:
  • Been loving my new hubby
  • Adjusting to life as an official businesswoman
  • Taking pictures of lovely couples and super-sweet babies
  • Oh yeah - and giving in to that bad habit called procrastination. Especially with you, blog. (Duh.)
So there you have it. I've been reminded by a kind friend that if I'm updating my pics on Facebook, the least I can do is add the same ones here. True indeed! Here I go...

And blog? It's kind of nice to see you again.


Jennifer said...

yay! welcome back! :)

monika rae hubka said...

Thanks Jennifer - glad to see someone noticed. :)